Welcome to my page! Last update was November 15th, 11.59pm UK time
This is a personal page for me, (text-colour:#fab005)[(text-style:"fidget")[fey feyscape]], where I put stuff on occasion. I decided to host information about the Dream SMP world download on here, because sharing a central link means easier access to said information.
The menu will take you to how to download the world, and how to install it to play on your computer, bedrock device, or on a server.
You will also find the main reason I made this website; coords for all the places of prominence on the Dream SMP! This server was played on a LOT, by many people, and all the player-made structures and changes are still there, along with chest inventories and words in books and on signs. This is a historical artifact, but it's yours to explore and fuck around in ^^
If you have any additions, questions, or comments, please DM me at feyscape on Tumblr!
Thank you SO MUCH to applekitkats, kriskrass, and cquackity on Tumblr for helping me out with this project!
Beginning November 16th 2024, at 6pm UK time, I will be hosting an SMP using the DSMP world map. You can follow me over on Twitch to see more! [<a href="https://twitch.tv/feyscape" target="_blank">Here's the link!</a>]
[[Click here to go to the Main Menu!->Main Menu]]''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Main Menu]''
All the coordinates of prominent places on the Dream SMP
[[Downloading the Java file->Download]]
How to download the DSMP world file
[[Java Single-player import->Single]]
How to run the world in singleplayer
[[Java Multi-player import->Multi]]
How to run the world on a server
You can find a bedrock download [<a href="https://zorishy.tumblr.com/post/767178516151336960/dsmptrimmedbedrockmcworld">over here!</a>]
[<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/dsmp-map-findings/767088034446442496/dsmp-server-map-findings?source=share">Miscellaneous resources</a>]
If you have any additions, questions, or comments, please DM me at feyscape on Tumblr!To download the server, you must first have a working download link. As of November 13th 2024, these work:
[<a href="https://archive.org/details/dsmp_20241113" target="_blank">Archive.org link</a>]
[<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/crisismoth/766999692964970496/dsmpzip?source=share" target="_blank">Google Drive link (in tumblr post) (two versions, one with a slightly smaller file size)</a>]
[<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/cquackity/767007050991632384/dsmpzip?source=share" target="_blank">MEGA and Gofile links (in tumblr post)</a>]
[<a href="https://www.tumblr.com/dsmp-map-findings/767132116520779776?source=share" target="_blank">MEGA link</a>] (2.54gb TRIMMED version)
Be aware! The original ZIPPED file is about 15.3gb in size, and the unzipped file is around 23.5gb. You need to make sure you have the proper storage space before attempting to download. The trimmed down version has had all chunks that were loaded less than 10 minutes total removed.
When you've downloaded the file, be sure to remember its location (usually in your 'downloads' folder). Also, if you're able, copy the file to a secondary location, like a hard drive or a USB stick. The more backups, the better!
[[Import to singleplayer world->Single]]
[[Import to multiplayer world->Multi]]
[[Main Menu]]Now that you have your download and you want to go explore, what do you do?
First of all, the world download is version 1.18.2. You will not be able to use an earlier version of Minecraft for playing on the world. Current versions will let you get the 'authentic' Dream SMP experience regarding world generation, but the world will also work in the most recent versions of the game.
This means that you need to make sure your Minecraft launcher has an install of 1.18.2 to play the game on.
''To get the world imported to your game, follow these steps:''
1: Create a folder on your desktop (or an equally easy place to locate), and name it something you can remember
2: Extract the dsmp.zip folder into the folder you just created. This might take a little while due to the file size.
3: Move the folder named 'world' in the folder you created into your Minecraft saves folder. The path is:
This PC -> Local Disk -> Users -> `[your user]` -> AppData (or %APPDATA%) -> Roaming -> .minecraft -> saves
3.1: If you can't locate the AppData folder, you need to select 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives' in your File Explorer Options, under the View tab
4: Make sure that when you double click the world folder you created, you see the following folders: 'advancements', 'data', 'datapacks', 'DIM-1', 'entities', and more. If they are further nested, make sure that the folder in the 'saves' folder is the 'world' folder that was //inside// the dsmp.zip file
5: Open Minecraft in version 1.18.2. Click on single-player in the menu, and the world should be in this list! Enjoy :D
[[Import to multiplayer world->Multi]]
[[Main Menu]]Ok, so you have the world download, and now you want to explore and play the DSMP with friends.
Every server hosting platform does things a little bit differently, so I'll link some guides in this section. Make sure to keep an eye on which folder you're moving where, and double check. Remember to take a backup first if you can, on a USB or hard drive!
Aternos: Unfortunately Aternos limits world uploads to 1gb and total storage to 4gb, and so it is not an option
[<a href="https://apexminecrafthosting.com/uploading-a-world-to-your-minecraft-server/">Apex Hosting</a>]
[<a href="https://www.bisecthosting.com/clients/knowledgebase/61/How-to-upload-a-custom-world-to-your-Minecraft-server.html">Bisect Hosting</a>]
[<a href="https://hosthavoc.com/billing/knowledgebase/39/How-to-upload-an-existing-world.html">Hosthavoc</a>]
[<a href="https://www.lunarclient.com/news/introducing-hosted-worlds">LunarClient Hosting</a>] (You need to have the world installed as a single-player world to do this)
[<a href="https://shockbyte.com/help/knowledgebase/articles/how-to-upload-and-use-a-custom-world-on-a-minecraft-server">Shockbyte</a>]
[[Main Menu]]''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Coordinates landing page]''
[[Geographically sorted coordinates->Geographic]]
Above, you will find the location categories.
The titles within will have coordinates of the rough area below them, but most are also links to each their own subcategories. I'm trying to put places under as many applicable subcategories as possible to make them easier to find. The plan is to have both Geographic categories (L'Manburg, Badlands, far away things, etc.), Context categories (bases, businesses, TFTSMP, etc.), and Character categories (which locations were associated with specific characters, like all Tommy's builds, etc.).
There are a lot of locations, and I've tried to make them all easy to find. If multiple names are common for a location (like Tommy's original main base, aka Hillhouse), multiple names and keywords will be listed to make using ctrl+f viable! We use the spelling L'Manburg / Manburg, with a U.
If a location does not exist on the server anymore, we will later on try to list the estimated coordinates of where it used to be.
A disclaimer! This is a work in progress. Please, if you're able, help fill out any missing coordinates by contacting me, feyscape, on Tumblr! A big google sheet helps me keep track of everything, and I can always use more help :D
THANK YOU TO appleflavoredkitkats, kriskrass, and cquackity on Tumblr for helping with gathering coordinates and making the spreadsheet happen!! I really appreciate the hours you've put into this project <3 Also thank you to jemthebookworm and hawkfirephoenix, also on Tumblr, for contributing continuously to the project
A MAJOR thank you to the Dream SMP fandom wiki for their comprehensive list of all the locations on the server. It has been an amazing reference point; with the descriptions it's way easier to locate every place. Big W to the editors making this possible![[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Greater Dream SMP]''
''Aimsey's café''
168 70 -24
''Aimsey's first treehouse''
152 69 -14
''Alyssa's barn''
270 62 307
''Alyssa's house''
204 69 -197
''Area 51''
224 56 -385
-12 70 -525
''Awesamdude's bank''
124 70 -422
''Barrier block staircase''
246 91 -672
''Been n' Boo''
259 87 -715
''Beet farm''
(not there anymore)
''Big Innit Hotel''
217 91 -730
''Cat Maid Café''
97 72 -209 (not there anymore)
342 67 -496
''Community House''
250 63 -264
''Community pet house''
(not there anymore)
''Conflict Resolution Pit''
438 65 -430
''Cool Gamerz Night Club''
269 78 -455
''Corpse's house''
485 66 -407
287 64 -209
''Daisy Hollow''
157 69 -14
''Dating house''
446 63 -528
''Deal or No Deal building''
(not there anymore)
''Dream's base''
231 80 -727
''Dream's Holiday Resort''
(not there anymore)
''Dreamon Hunter camp''
76 68 -774
''Egg Room''
127 8 -459
''Eret's castle''
250 82 -105
''Eret's fortress''
243 64 -302
''Eret and Foolish's secret base''
54 57 -548
''Fallout bunker''
30 41 -607
''Fundy's chess board''
336 75 -552
''Fundy's cottage''
81 64 90
''Fundy's secret base''
74 64 -535
''George's house''
(not there anymore)
''George's McDonald's''
336 71 -823
''Gingerbread house''
(not there anymore)
''Hall of Fame''
(not there anymore)
''Harry Potter house''
251 68 -474
''Haunted Mansion''
470 65 -380
''Hbomb and Niki's theater / theatre''
374 76 16
''HBomb's diamond minigame''
516 74 108
''HBomb's Hungry Hungry Hippos''
511 70 64
''HBomb's magma block minigame''
507 75 103
''HBomb's parkour tower''
486 250 108
''Hutt's Pizza''
280 65 -546
''Karaoke stage''
259 79 -463
''Karl's build-off structures''
522 79 -464
''L'Cast Lake''
452 63 -20
(not there anymore)
''Lemon City''
456 70 -243
''Master Oogway shrine''
266 68 -357
242 87 -683
''Michaelmcchill's house''
9 82 -426
''MLG water tower''
273 63 -298
''Motivational quote house''
(not there anymore)
''Nether portal hub''
186 73 -243
''Niki and Puffy's flower shop''
(not there anymore)
''Outdoor theater / theatre stage''
(not there anymore)
''Pokémon Center''
233 71 -579
''Ponk Point''
349 67 -380
(not there anymore)
''Ponk's cave of isolation''
143 64 -396
''Ponk's lemon tree''
(not there anymore) (any of them)
''Ponk's pet graveyard''
347 66 -365
''Ponk's war hut''
515 70 -571
''Poo House''
(not there anymore)
''Puffy's base''
210 76 -619
''Puffy's lore podcast studio''
213 78 -674
''Puffy's mushroom house''
(not there anymore)
''Punz' house''
231 85 -439
''Punz' tower''
168 68 -518
''Punzo Chunk''
86 72 -254
''Purpled's cabin''
(not there anymore)
''Purpled's skull cave''
522 62 -530
''Purpled's U.F.O.''
(not there anymore)
''Queen's Rajuls''
(not there anymore)
''Raising the Bar Donor Hall''
47 68 -254
''Ranboo and Fundy's ice cream shop''
246 70 -383
''Real estate office''
(not there anymore)
''Rose Residence''
(not there anymore)
''Sam Bucket's fountain''
5 63 74
''Sam Bucket's house''
149 -6 -650
''Sapnap's house''
(not there anymore)
''Sapnap's secret base''
353 63 -323
''Seapeekay's old house''
-4 67 -602
''Skeppy's house''
(not there anymore)
''Skeppy's hut''
89 61 -91
''Skeppy's Skywars map''
84 191 -127
''Sky courthouse''
375 122 -529
''SMP Museum''
305 71 -436
''Spider XP farm''
168 69 -439
''Statue room''
127 8 -459
''The Hole''
395 65 -231
''The Pub''
256 85 -730
''The Socializing Club''
(not there anymore)
''The Studio''
(not there anymore)
''The Temple of Hype''
215 20 -592
''The Temple of Hype monument''
(not there anymore)
''The Therapy Room''
247 74 -435
''Therapuffy's office''
255 64 -315
''Tilted Tavern''
(not there anymore)
''TommyInnit Hate Club''
300 69 -545
''TommyInnit's Holiday Home''
411 96 -888
''Tubbo's house''
276 68 -382
''Tubbo's investigation room''
223 78 -691
(not there anymore)
''Watch tower''
(not there anymore)
''Wilbur's wooden ball''
308 94 -631
''World spawn''
68 64 -101
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Beeloon's grave''
375 61 -633
''Boxing ring''
(not there anymore)
''BSA L'Manburg Embassy/TommyInnit's House''
259 86 -643
''Butcher Army HQ''
(not there anymore)
''Button room''
(not there anymore)
(not there anymore)
''Cobblestone rocket ship''
(not there anymore)
''Connor Esports Estate Vol. 1''
(not there anymore)
''Disruption Hole''
317 5 -633
''Disruption Tower''
(not there anymore)
''Dream's obsidian grid''
426 95 -624
''Dream's obsidian wall''
(not there anymore)
''Elton John House''
(not there anymore)
''Final Control Room''
333 54 -625
''Final L'Manburg flag''
443 22 -627
''Fundy Fun Land''
360 67 -618
''Fundy's L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Fundy's secret bunker''
379 49 -653
''George's L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Ghostbur's crane''
(not there anymore)
''Ghostbur's ghost house''
(not there anymore)
''Ghostbur's sewer house''
(not there anymore)
''Jukebox monument''
(not there anymore)
''Karl reef''
525 38 -733
''Karl's floating bamboo house''
(not there anymore)
''Karl's L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Karl's old library''
402 64 -501
''L'Manburg apiary''
(not there anymore)
''L'Manburg Flight and Aeronautics Organization (LMFAO)''
(not there anymore)
''L'Manburg Multipurpose Podium and Stage''
(not there anymore)
''L'Manburg Treasury''
(not there anymore)
''L'Manburg/Manburg Podium''
(not there anymore)
(not there anymore)
(not there anymore)
''Lore Bridge''
440 63 -615
''Manburg Festival decorations''
(not there anymore)
''Manburg graveyard''
(not there anymore)
''Manburg Hotel''
(not there anymore)
''Market stalls''
(not there anymore)
''Niki's bakery''
(not there anymore)
''Ninja's house''
(not there anymore)
''Party Island''
(not there anymore)
''Party Park''
430 65 -518
''Philza's L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Pokimane War Bunker''
417 51 -580
''Ponk's Drop The Man Minigame''
370 69 -604
''Power Tower''
250 87 -614
''Puffy's air balloon''
469 106 -656
''Quackity's L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Ranboo's panic room''
427 54 -881
''Reverse Coaster''
(not there anymore)
''Schlatt's grave''
340 69 -604
''Second White House''
(not there anymore)
''Sky lanterns''
(not there anymore)
''The Bench''
243 86 -640
''The Cuck Shed''
(not there anymore) (extra rip)
''The Monument to Crying About It''
(not there anymore)
''The Ninja Alley''
(not there anymore)
''The Prison''
(not there anymore)
''The Pufferfish Alleyway''
355 68 -589
''The Wall''
(not there anymore)
''Tommy and Lani's restaurant''
359 69 -648
''Tommy's second L'Manburg house''
(not there anymore)
''Tubbo's bee farm''
406 63 -657
''Tubbo's dock''
480 64 -669
''Tubbo's secret bunker and library''
662 16 -610
''White House''
(not there anymore)
''Wilbur's resurrection shrine''
456 66 -577
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Boomerville church''
(not there anymore)
''HBomb's house''
495 80 -522
''KSI's school''
525 80 -504
''LazarBeam and Vikkstar's house''
478 80 -497
''LazarBeam's melon farm''
482 66 -464
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Foolish' Summer House]''
''DreamXD statue''
-873 73 606
-728 69 588
(not there anymore)
(not there anymore)
''Supreme fridge''
(not there anymore)
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Kinoko Kingdom]''
''Alyssa's barn''
270 62 307
''Dragon statue''
214 86 453
''Jack Manifold's Italian restaurant''
(not there anymore)
''Karl's library''
269 64 491
''Kinoko Kingdom Part Island''
240 63 323
''Lil Nas X's tree house''
328 81 305
''Tina's house''
225 69 393
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Las Nevadas]''
''Foolish's Among Us Bunker''
-198 81 19
''Fort Big (Wilbur & TommyInnit's Las Nevadas base)''
-281 63 160
''Fundy's Las Nevadas base''
-236 83 -93
''Gas Me Up gas station''
-187 89 -44
''Las Nevadas casino''
-331 79 -18
''Las Nevadas Eiffel Tower''
-390 74 106
''Las Nevadas garden''
-265 82 7
''Las Nevadas hotel''
-329 79 48
''Las Nevadas pool''
-274 75 60
''Las Nevadas restaurant''
-282 79 7
''Las Nevadas Sign''
-194 96 3
''Purpled's Las Nevadas Base''
-250 78 0
''Ranburger Van''
-245 65 126
''Space Needle''
-272 79 -50
''Strip club''
-306 79 -39
''Toll gate''
-136 76 -34
-91 77 -47
-322 78 -174
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Beach Party beach''
643 63 -1991
''"DRiSTA" sign''
668 72 -2042
''Mexican Dream's house''
(not there anymore)
''Mexican Dream's gravestone''
616 64 -2094
629 69 -2053
''TommyInnit's Jump-Off Tower''
556 232 -2027
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Arctic Empire]''
''Dream's evil lair''
(not there anymore)
(not there anymore)
''Mount Beak On''
-174 98 -2472
''Ranboo's house''
-102 72 -2500
''Syndicate Meeting Room''
-361 63 2418
''Technoblade and Philza's cabins''
-80 74 -2460
''Technoblade's cow farm''
-80 70 -2497
''Technoblade's second vault''
-123 72 -2529
''Training room''
-79 11 -2461
''Traitor Tower''
(not there anymore)
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Geographically sorted coordinates]''
[[Greater Dream SMP]]
[[Arctic Empire]]
-80 74 -2460
[[The Badlands]]
496 80 -500
[[Foolish' Summer House]]
-685 72 576
[[Kinoko Kingdom]]
263 71 398
[[The Holy Land/The Subs]]
269 64 -341
[[Las Nevadas]]
-175 93 -17
''Little Penis Land''
• Big Drama Party house
(not there anymore)
• Canon life graveyard
347 70 -695
• "YOU <3 LITTLE PENIS" sign
(not there anymore)
597 67 -2059
''Manifold Land''
• Su Puta Madre
(not there anymore)
• Ze Haus (Jack Manifold's house)
434 67 -686
''New Manifold Land''
• The Vanifold
3696 75 -2343
''Niki's Secret City''
294 71 540
[[Pandora's Vault]]
172 103 -871
-245 65 149
• Fort Big (Wilbur & TommyInnit's Las Nevadas base)
-281 63 160
• Ranburger Van
-245 65 126
849 42 -526
-28 74 -330
-237 66 -757
[[Misc.]] (far away, not in any previous locations, etc.)
[[Large or sprawling locations]] (paths, highways, recurring builds/statues, etc.)
[[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[The Badlands]''
''Antfrost's animal sanctuary''
237 64 72
''Awesamdude's base''
-3796 75 -3925
''Bad and Skeppy's mansion''
251 72 -789
''Badlands beach''
183 63 -833
''The Eiffel Tower''
(not there anymore)
''Tommy's watch tower''
146 67 -790
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[The Holy Land/The Subs]''
''Church Prime''
285 64 -341
''Cloud Prime''
280 235 -358
''Fighting pit''
288 63 -318
''Master Oogway Shrine''
266 68 -357
''Meeting room''
315 64 -367
''The Vape Tower''
316 67 -314
''Tubbo's first house''
(not there anymore)
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Pandora's Vault]''
140 64 -884
''Entrance portal room''
260 63 -915
''Experiment room''
(not there anymore)
''Guard room''
27 71 -914
176 63 -912
''Main cell''
-2 70 -913
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Pogtopia potato farm''
840 24 -529
''Pogtopia ravine''
849 42 -526
''Pogtopia surface entrance''
852 65 -528
''Technoblade's cow farm''
829 72 -633
''Technoblade's old base''
(not there anymore)
''Technoblade's vault''
759 5 -694
''The Intimidation Tower''
885 64 -567
''Tubbo's secret bunker and library''
662 16 -610
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Canon Castle / Necromancy Tower''
-259 70 -776
''Foolish's Snowchester house''
-227 78 -721
''Jack Manifold's Snowchester house''
-238 63 -722
''Nuclear development lab''
-223 72 -761
''Project Dream Catcher launch system''
-389 63 -723
''Puffy's Pastries stand''
-228 72 -763
''Puffy's Snowchester house''
-212 81 -707
''Snowchester podium''
-235 71 -735
''Snowchester stage''
-265 63 -732
''Tommy's memorial''
-348 63 -859
''Tubbo and Ranboo's mansion''
-224 65 -813
''Tubbo's interrogation room''
-207 70 -761
''Tubbo's Snowchester house''
-251 68 -762
''Tubbo's vault''
-235 64 -747
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''Awesamdude's maze''
857 64 -836
''Awesamdude's secret island''
246 69 -1978
''Banishment area''
2000 64 2500
''Big Daddy Island''
-4751 64 426
''Big Tree''
(not there anymore)
''Doozer HQ''
654 83 -262
''Dream's mountain''
-206 199 3308
''Dream's vault''
-230 8 3320
''Eret's cobblestone pyramid''
(not there anymore)
''First stronghold''
2050 70 760
-6561 63 -561
''Fundy's Cottage''
81 64 90
''Fundy's mob farm (Fundy's creeper farm)''
-4927 63 3335
''Fundy's pillager farm''
582 68 -1225
''Glatt's Big Man Gym''
558 33 -384
''Guardian XP farm''
1318 38 13063
''HBomb's savanna mansion''
-7977 91 128
''HBomb's savanna village''
-8022 65 -157
''Jack's Ye Old Farm House''
-2726 63 -5147
''Peedom and Feace''
-1923 63 -387
''Ponk's base''
-3806 80 -4040
''Project Snowzone''
(not there anymore)
12 75 6225
''Syndicate Meeting Room (second stronghold)''
-361 63 2418
''The Cube''
590 73 -1003
''The Lost City of Mizu (TFTSMP)''
13979 63 12937
''The Town That Never Was (TFTSMP)''
843 97 -296
-3840 64 -4007
''Third stronghold''
-1314 23 -8614
''Tommy's failed assassination crater''
-1194 57 -732
''Trident farm''
-640 187 -264
''Tubbo's jungle base''
210 65 12217
''Tubbo's jungle base Able Sisters noteblocks machine''
209 55 12215
''Zombie XP grinder''
-3854 63 -4041
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Nether locations]''
DO NOTE! These are Nether coordinates.
''Portal to Dream's mountain''
-37 43 420
''Portal to Niki's Secret City''
36 73 66
''Portal to Serenity''
4 86 773
''Portal to Foolish' summer home''
-78 77 70
''Public Blaze farm''
328 65 -530
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]][[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]
''(text-colour:#51cf66)[Large or sprawling locations]''
''Eret's ice tunnel''
260 45 -180
More TBA
''Eret's towers''
512 84 -625
320 84 -574
''L'Manburg Path''
(not there anymore)
''Las Nevadas highway''
76 70 -241
More TBA
''Prime Path''
250 62 -272
More TBA
''Sam and Tubbo's netherite mineshaft''
120 35 1708 (IN NETHER)
More TBA
''Snowchester-Dream SMP highway (hyperloop)''
45 67 -757
More TBA
''The Scenic Route''
251 72 -422
More TBA
''The sewer system''
250 51 -587
More TBA
''Trident transport system''
Spread out throughout the Greater Dream SMP as well as L'Manburg and The Badlands. More TBA
[[Coordinates Landing Page->Coords]] | [[Main Menu]]